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Canine Behavioral Specialists is now offering the community an option to train or re-home your dog(s). It can be a difficult thing being a dog owner and some people simply don't have the time that they once did. What we are now offering is an opportunity to re-home your dog(s) where they will not end up in a shelter or on the streets somewhere. We've all seen the TV commercials of the cute dog's in cages that are all alone and shaking. I can assure you that if you chose to use this program, your dog(s) will be going to good homes with good people. All of our applicants that are looking to take in a new dog will be interviewed by our staff to see if the needs & wants can be met. Please spread the word about this new program that we're offering. This service is absolutely FREE OF CHARGE!!! Complements of CBS, all that we need are any vaccine records, leash & collar.

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